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Lawyers to the rescue as Saul suffers conference lock-out

MUCH to Finance Minister the Hon. David Saul's embarrassment, he found himself blocked from obtaining the required accreditation necessary to enter the main convention hall of the RIMS conference in New Orleans last week.

Dr. Saul arrived in New Orleans on Monday night and had his first opportunity the next morning to enter the Ernest N. Morial Convention Centre, where the conference exhibits were all on display.

But the Minister arrived without any formal identification, which is required to obtain a pass to enter the exhibit hall. No pass, no entry.

Informed sources had Dr. Saul protesting in vain for 20 minutes before local lawyers Michael Smith and John Cunningham of Smith, Barnard and Diel came to the rescue and vouched for him.

* * * CON BERMUDIANS and other local residents were a dominant force at the convention, and sometimes during the after hours of southern hospitality.

One observer, who fancied a game of chance at the local casino, claimed he never got the opportunity to risk his money at the table, as so many Bermudians were already on the front line.

It is true that Bermudians and others attending the conference made their presence felt under the cover of darkness on a nightly basis.

But New Orleans residents remained oblivious to the fact that such a major insurance convention was underway in their city.

Even the people who were employed in support services for the convention could not understand exactly what was going on. It was seemingly not that easy to impress those from a vacation spot known more for its night-time activities than anything else.

Residents were only mildly aware of the fact that a flood of suits were joining the regular visitors in the consuming jaunt down Bourbon Street. If many North American cities have a famous and instantly identifiable road, Bourbon Street is it for New Orleans.

The pedestrian thoroughfare is lined with music, temptation, food and expectation. And there is literally dancing in the street on a nightly basis.

How many Bermudians could resist? Few,if any,did.

* * * CON ON the heels of winning the RIMS award for the best medium-size exhibit in the show last week, the Bermuda Government was able to successfully obtain a prize spot for next year's show, being hosted by San Francisco.

It is a big deal for each exhibitor to try to tie down the best possible spot.

Coordinator Mr. John White said that Bermuda was happy to be able to secure a high traffic location at next year's exhibit hall that would ensure the Bermuda booth maintained the significant attention it received this year.

Also with one of the best picks of the Bermuda booths, was the Bermuda Commercial Bank, whose representatives were apparently on the ball in setting the stage for the draw.

Their booth next year, in what will be just their second year appearance, will also be in a high traffic area, next to the Government booth.

Dr. David Saul.