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Cycling duo on target

Super-fit senior Alastair Johnson and biking buddy Stephen Gair have already passed the half-way mark of the run from Land's End in Cornwall to John O'Groats in Scotland after starting the ride on Saturday.

on target.

Super-fit senior Alastair Johnson and biking buddy Stephen Gair have already passed the half-way mark of the run from Land's End in Cornwall to John O'Groats in Scotland after starting the ride on Saturday.

Mr. Johnson, a 68-year-old ex-Policeman and butcher Mr. Gair, 34, both Scots-born, were in Lancashire at the weekend and heading north.

Police Supt. Vic Richmond, who is handling public relations for the duo, said: "They've encountered no problems and their health is good.

"Monday was a particularly gruelling day as they encountered hilly terrain as they travelled through the county of Somerset.'' Mr. Richmond said the two have been averaging 60 miles a day -- with eight hours at a time on the road.

He added: "Ten to 14 days was the initial target -- they're still hoping to complete their task within 12 days.'' And he said: "They have covered about 470 miles of the 900 miles, so they're more than half-way there.

"The only problem they've had was a minor one with the spokes on one of the wheels on Stephen's bike.'' The pedal-pushing pair are making their way up Britain to raise cash for two Bermuda charities, the Lady Cubitt Compassionate Association and the Committee of 25 for Handicapped Children -- encompassing the elderly and the young.

Mr. Johnson -- who did the same bike trek to celebrate his 60th birthday -- hatched the Ride 2000 plan over a few beers with Mr. Gair last year.

They originally planned to raise cash just from friends at Hamilton's Mariners Club -- but decided to spread their fundraising net wider in a bid to raise the maximum amount of cash.

And Supt. Richmond volunteered to help out with the publicity side of the fund-raising ride.

Anyone who wants to support the charity effort can make donations at two Ride 2000 accounts -- Bank of Bermuda 701-22479 and Bank of Butterfield 20-006-060-461333-2000.

Pedal power: Butcher Stephen Gair (left) and retired Police sergeant Alastair Johnson are pictured with the pushbikes they are using to ride the length of the United Kingdom for local charities. The pair were pictured shortly before they left the Island to start the marathon run.