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Mayor considers running for Parliament

Photo by Glenn TuckerSt George Mayor Kenneth Bascome

St George’s Mayor Kenneth Bascome is mulling whether to run for Parliament in the next General Election, and expects to announce his decision within the next two weeks.Mr Bascome told The Royal Gazette that he has been approached by the two main political parties and the United Bermuda Party but has made no commitment.“It appears that I am a very precious commodity,” he said.In 2007 Mr Bascome contested the St George’s North seat under the banner of the United Bermuda Party, losing out to veteran politician Dame Jennifer Smith by 25 votes.Besides running for one of the political parties, Mr Bascome could well decide to run as an independent candidate as he did in the 1998 General Election which saw the PLP sweep to power for the first time.He barely made an impact in that election which turned out to be the last held under the dual-seat system.But he came closest to entering Parliament as a UBP candidate in a three-way race during the 2003 election when Ms Smith hung onto the St George’s North seat by eight votes.Mr Bascome said there were a number of outstanding issues that needed to be addressed in St George, and he may be more effective as a parliamentarian than as Mayor of the old town.St George had no fully functioning police station or fire station which “I believe a World Heritage Site should have,” he said.“I also believe we need to find a more efficient way of transporting folks from the Dockyard to St George’s.”Mr Bascome added that the municipality needed a larger budget to run the town more efficiently.He said: “We in the St George’s community are not getting the full support from the Government entities and we are prepared to take the bull by the horns.”