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Breaking News: New US Consul General to Bermuda named

Career diplomant Grace Shelton was this morning named as the new US Consul General to Bermuda, replacing Greg Slayton.

Ms. Shelton has previously served in Ljubljana, Slovenia; Kathmandu, Nepal; Minsk, Belarus; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She has also served in Washington.

And before joining the US Foreign Service, Ms. Shelton was an attorney in Savannah, Georgia, and a law clerk to the United States District Judge for the Middle District of Georgia.

She has a J.D. and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University and her BA from Bucknell University. She was born and raised in Durham, North Carolina.

Consul General Shelton said: “I am very pleased to be serving the United States in Bermuda. Following in the footsteps of Gregory Slayton will not be easy, I’m told, but my focus will be to build upon the very positive US/Bermuda alliance that exists today and that has been ongoing for four centuries. I look forward to getting to know Bermuda and its people.”

* See the full story in tomorrow's Royal Gazette.