Make sure your child is immunised health and social issues
As most of you are aware, there are Child Health Clinics in each Parish throughout the Island. Clinics are held on one day per week for two hours, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Hamilton Health centre is the exception where we have three Child Health Clinics, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Our Clinics are staffed with a doctor, health visitor, nurse and services of a nutritionist.
The clinics are basically "well'' baby clinics that provide health supervision services to infants and children from birth to five years, with emphasis on the early identification of potentially harmful and chronic handicapping conditions as well as the promotion of optimal health and the prevention of illness.
We are anxious that parents/guardians/child care givers understand the importance of immunisations and that every child has the right to full protection by immunisation against preventable childhood diseases that can lead to severe and permanent disability and even death.
These diseases are diphtheria, whopping cough (pertussis), tetanus, polio myelitis, measles, mumps, and rubella as well as haemophilis influenza, an invasive bacterial meningitis.
Our medical and nursing staff are on duty to assist you with any health related questions you may have concerning your child.
All immunisations are free of charge. At present our schedule for active immunisations starts at four months of age. The proposed schedule for active immunisations will start at two months of age commencing 1st January, 1993.
Immunisation coverage for Bermuda is about 80 percent. This leaves 20 percent of our children unimmunised. Please ensure that your child is fully protected.
Shirley Higgs, School Nurse, Department of Health