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Twice-weekly trash pick-up to start

Alex Scott yesterday announced details of the new twice weekly trash pick-up programme.The pick-up scheme, which switched in 1993 from twice- to once-weekly, has been revamped to allow for more efficient scheduling.

Alex Scott yesterday announced details of the new twice weekly trash pick-up programme.

The pick-up scheme, which switched in 1993 from twice- to once-weekly, has been revamped to allow for more efficient scheduling.

And Government's fleet of trash trucks has been updated and expanded to a total of 18 with 15 earmarked for household duties.

Beginning on Monday, garbage will be picked up in the western parishes on Mondays and Thursdays while in eastern parishes (including Pembroke) it will be removed on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Mr. Scott said the new scheme fulfilled a General Election promise and while he expected some teething problems, he did not think they were insurmountable.

"Government doesn't expect that by returning to the twice weekly pick-up Bermuda will be cleaner,'' Mr. Scott said. "But by working together we -- all of us -- can get Bermuda clean. Just cooperate with us, it is in the early stages.'' He added: "The men and women that work in the Ministry are behind this. They have promised to make this extraordinary effort to make this effective.'' Works and Engineering staff understand that the volume of trash may vary for the next several weeks and there may be delays as people adjust to the service.

Mr. Scott explained the scheme would relieve people with limited space of the burden of keeping trash for seven days and may reduce littering and illegal dumping.

"We have gone out on a limb,'' he continued. "Don't let us down. Hopefully with cooperation it can become even more cost-effective.'' Mr. Scott concluded: "The ministry is seeking to create a cleaner Bermuda with the public's help.'' The western parishes, Sandys, Southampton, Warwick, Paget, and Tee Street and Kent Avenue in Devonshire, in addition to Monday and Thursday trash pick-up will also have recyclable service on Thursdays.

The eastern parishes of St. George's, Hamilton Parish, Smith's, Devonshire and Pembroke will have recyclable service on Fridays.

Mr. Scott said Wednesdays will be used by Works and Engineering staff for maintenance and catching up on missed routes.

Before 1993, maintenance was carried out on weekends and the relatively small number of trucks meant crews worked flat out.

Mr. Scott said: "The fleet has been updated and we allow Wednesdays for maintenance on a rotating basis. We have a preventative servicing programme in place.'' Mr. Scott also announced a scheme to promote the recycling programme -- mailing five blue trash bags to the public.

He said this would not only save people money but encourage them to buy into the programme.

GOVERNMENT GVT GARBAGE COLLECTION DAYDays on which trash will be collected under the twice weekly scheme: Western parishes (Sandys, Southampton, Warwick, Paget and Tee Street and Kent Avenue in Devonshire): Mondays and Thursdays. Recyclables: Thursdays Eastern parishes (Pembroke, Devonshire -- except Tee Street and Kent Avenue, Smith's, Hamilton Parish and St. George's): Tuesdays and Fridays. Recyclables: Fridays The Tynes Bay Waste Treatment Facility public drop-off is open every day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and accepts household waste, small metal waste, wooden items, recyclables, paint, fluorescent tubes, batteries, and waste motor oil.

The Airport Waste Management Facility) is open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m.

to 4 p.m. and 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. It accepts metal waste, concrete, rubble, and PVC waste.

The Marsh Folly Composting Facility accepts horticultural waste Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays (7.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.)