A golden opportunity
January 6, 2013Dear Sir,I couldn’t agree more with Dr Hodgson’s January 5 Letter to the Editor perspective on the Progressive Labour Party. I take note that many PLP supporters choose to blame The Royal Gazette and the One Bermuda Alliance for their loss. Not surprising however; but it’s not their fault for being conditioned into a state of blind loyalty that political party systems can have and continue to do worldwide. My feelings are that the OBA knows full well what it’s up against and if not, soon will — and I’m not referring to the economy, energy or crime. A huge blocking power base leadership element has been effectively removed from within the vanguard of a segment of people that have long been mentally and socially oppressed. This now allows a whole new element of leadership to emerge, and much of this new leadership will manifest itself well outside of the influences of the PLP, OBA and unions; no disrespect.Once again the people have spoken, and what remains to be seen is whether or not the new political party leaders have the capacity to listen, and — even more importantly — to understand the true needs of the populace beyond the narrow constraints of their party’s agendas. I’ll say this, the OBA won’t enjoy a honeymoon period like the PLP, but what the OBA can very well expect is respect returned for respect given. Many were surprised by the outcome of the election. However, my concern is not with lay people or the general populace that express their views, but rather with the dominant influence some so called ‘political experts’ get in the media, no matter how far off the mark it’s been recorded that they’ve tended to be. I would hope that these people — and they know who they are — would exercise more responsibility and accountability for the power of influence and position they enjoy in our community.There’s much that can be said about the pros and cons of our society with respect to leadership (or the lack thereof) and I’m certain that in the passage of time there will be more commentary. But in the meantime I hope that the so-called losers can find the strength within themselves to be more truthful to those they’ve disappointed: both the PLP supporters that didn’t vote and the PLP supporters that voted against you. And I’d ask the senior and more experienced ex-PLP MPs in particular to take the lead in this acknowledgment and healing process. The OBA has a golden opportunity to build anew, and no doubt there are many from all persuasions willing and eager to help. But remember this — it’s a lot better to start off right if you hope to get it right. BLESS.GLADWYN S SIMMONSUnity in the Community World VibeSandys