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Can you find our Christmas elf?

Could it be third time lucky? Well we’re going to give you a third chance to win some fantastic prizes if you find the elf.Judging by the responses on our Facebook page, people are still getting a little frustrated at not being able to find the pesky man in green.Well now it’s the turn of the pesky woman in purple as we are hiding Hannah in the paper today and tomorrow and on www.royalgazette.com on Thursday.Just find them all, cut them out (or print the website page), and drop them all off with the coupon in the paper at The Royal Gazette, on Par-la-Ville Road, iClick on Reid Street, or the Stationery Store, also on Reid Street.Every time we’ll be giving away an iPod Nano and a camera thanks to iClick.Because we are feeling generous, we are then going to put every entry into the hat for a grand prize draw for an iPad, also courtesy of iClick.So make sure you’ve got your copy of The Royal Gazette today and tomorrow and check the website on Thursday from 10am to 5pm!Deadline for entry is 5pm on Thursday and the draw will take place the next day and the draw for the grand prize will also take place on December 23.Make sure that you have included all three elves! Entries without all three will not be considered.