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the first female Premier of Bermuda.But before she enters politics, the 17-year-old Devonshire student plans to become a corporate lawyer.

the first female Premier of Bermuda.

But before she enters politics, the 17-year-old Devonshire student plans to become a corporate lawyer.

Before entering Saltus in her fourth year, Selena attended Mount St. Agnes Academy for ten years.

Selena, whose favourite subject is English, describes herself as a friendly, bubbly and emotional person who can be "set off'' by anything.

"I'm kind of bossy,'' she adds. "I like to see things get done but I don't like doing them myself.'' Selena says that her parents are her role models because they taught her everything she needs to know.

She adds that God has had the most influence over her life, even though she claims that she is not a very religious person.

"He affects different people in different ways and for me it has always been the right way,'' Selena explains.

Selena believes racism is one of the main problems facing society today.

"Education, understanding and acceptance are the only things we can do'' to solve the problem, she says.

The "upcoming (restructured) education system'' is the one thing Selena wishes she could change about Bermuda.

"They are making a big mistake,'' she stresses. "Bermuda has so many bright children who will be negatively affected by this.'' Selena says the one person in the world she would like to meet is Mother Teresa because she has given up so much for so many people.

"There's just so much good in just one person. She could teach all of us a lot.'' Selena advises other young Bermudians to never do anything that would shame them.

"Only do things that you would be proud of,'' she adds. If given a ticket to go anywhere in the world Selena says she would visit a poor city in Brazil, Peru or Africa.

"Where they live is the real world,'' she contends. "I would like to see how people live without all the materialistic things we have and how they survive from day to day.'' The postgraduate-year student says in her spare time she likes to debate, listen to music and "be around people -- because I hate being by myself''.