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Thoughts of chess community are with Carlton

Carlton <$>Williams — the name says it all. Last week I mentioned that one of our chess players is in hospital and has been for some time, after suffering a series of strokes.Thanks to your many phone calls, I went to see him on Monday to extend your good wishes.

Carlton is not only a good chess player but also a good checkers player. He is a mason to trade, and his last big job was building the Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Carlton also enjoys fishing off the rocks and with success! He has caught many a nice rockfish, often with the help of one of his nine sons.

In this week’s game, Carlton is playing against the great Eric Kemper, who is responsible for getting chess off the ground in Bermuda. This game was part of the Bank of Butterfield’s Cup Tournament in January 1996. Carlton Williams is playing white and Eric Kemper black.

As you can see in diagram 1 Carlton is breaking up Eric’s castling defence in move 14. Bxh7+

And as for Diagram 2, Eric is trying to get his knight on h6 with his next move. However Carlton removed the knight with his next move 17. Bxf5<$>

And in Diagram 3, now that Carlton has got his knight on g5 it’s a significant move for bringing about checkmate. I would have thought that Eric might have played f6 to try to remove the knight. However, at this point a strong player would go in for check and then checkmate.

This is what Carlton did in Diagram 4 and with that Eric resigned because it would have been checkmate in the next move anyway.

Well done Carlton. The Club need’s your playing power, we all miss you and wish you well.

Carlton Williams — White

Eric Kemper <\m> Black

Bank of Butterfield Cup

1. e4 c6 2. d4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Bd2 Ne7 5. Nf3 d5 6. e5 0-0 7. Bd3 b5 8. a3 Ba5 9. b4 Bb6 10. Ne2 Bb7 11. c3 a5 12. Qb1 axb4 13. cxb4 Qc7 14. Bxh7+ Kh8 15. Bc2 Qd7 16. Qb3 Nf5 17. Bxf5 exf5 18. Ng5 Bc8 19. Qh3+
