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?It?s not about me, it?s all about we?

A kind-hearted volunteer who gives fresh hope to needy Bermudians has been hailed as a shining example to all residents.

Fern Wade, who founded and runs the Hands of Love community group, has been delivering food and clothing to vulnerable folk for 25 years.

Supported by six volunteers, she provides a weekly lifeline to some of the poorest and most neglected members of society.

On winter Saturdays, the Hands of Love soup kitchen cooks up free hot dinners for the cold and hungry.

And next month the group launches House of Bread, a storage base for vital non-perishable food donations.

Now, after years of dedicated service, Mrs. Wade?s selfless efforts were recognised as she became the fourth person this year to collect CableVision?s Community Service Award.

Mrs. Wade yesterday modestly played down her role ? and said she just loved to see people happy.

?I don?t worry about me,? she told . ?It?s not about me, it?s all about we.

?We are our neighbour?s keeper. We are investing in people, one person at a time.?

Government Community Affairs Minister Dale Butler praised Mrs. Wade?s work.

He said: ?The world needs more people like her. Her kindness and compassion are admirable.

?She is active in her community and I encourage all Bermudians to follow her example.?

CableVision said its panel recognised Mrs. Wade?s commitment to ensure that nobody in Bermuda went without life?s basic amenities.

Hands of Love has also run a schools project for the last 13 years, delivering clothing, food and supplies to help students make the grade. It has so far sponsored 1,000 children.

Alan Smith, Bermuda CableVision operations manager, said Mrs. Wade was inspirational.

Donating $1,000 of groceries to the group, he added: ?We want to ensure the organisation can continue to help vulnerable people.?

Donations to Hands of Love can be dropped at the group?s Camp Hill Road headquarters, Warwick. Clothing donations are accepted at its Cedar Hill Road branch.

Nominations for next January?s community award should be sent to Rollin Nathan, Bermuda CableVision, PO Box 1642, Hamilton, HM GX.