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Gibbons: Social Agenda talk ?mostly rhetoric?

Premier Alex Scott?s ?rhetoric? on a ?social agenda? should not be taken seriously, according to Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons.

?I have to ask whether anyone outside the Progressive Labour Party can listen to the rhetoric about a new social agenda and take it seriously,? Dr. Gibbons said yesterday.

?Mr. Scott is the leader of a labour party that was founded to address social issues. In 1998 it was even the self-proclaimed people?s Party and as far as we can see the new social agenda is little more than a smoke screen to hide the abysmal record of the PLP government on social issues since 1998.?

He said he expected ?more rhetoric about a new social agenda? in tomorrow?s Throne Speech.

?The challenge is, this particular Government has had six years to really come through on some of the basic issues like housing, healthcare for seniors and things of that sort and yet what we are treated to is a promise to be laying the seeds of a ten-year programme.

?And that is not good enough ? they have had six years and 30 years in opposition. Mr. Scott was a good part of that 30 years. What people want now is action ? not more spin and more rhetoric.?

Mr. Scott has stated in the past that the first PLP Government was more focused on maintaining a strong economy and fostering good relations with the international business sector.

Now the Premier is promising an all-encompassing series of initiatives on social issues, and a streamlined, more efficient legislative process.

A flyer that will be sent out to all households repeated promises Mr. Scott made at the PLP delegates meeting on Monday night, focusing on the theme ?that in Bermuda the ?Haves? will continue to have and the ?Have Nots? will have more?.

Last night Mr. Scott refused to respond to respond to Dr. Gibbons? criticisms.