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‘It will only get worse if you spend what little you have on drugs’

A 58-year-old man who admitted stealing food from two local grocers after falling on hard times was sentenced to six months behind bars.Winton Edwards, of Warwick Lane, Warwick, yesterday pleaded guilty to two instances of theft and possession of drug equipment in Magistrates’ Court.Edwards said: “I have had a pretty rough time over the past couple of years. I lost my job and had my marriage go down the drain.“I do not mind what you want to do [to sentence me] but you people do not have a clue of what goes on around here. People out there are struggling and it is going to get worse but I am here now for an offence I have committed.”The court heard that last December police answered a report of shoplifting at A-1 Fine Food Market in Paget.Upon their arrival they talked with staff who said they observed Edwards make his way to the rear of the store and stand near the frozen food section.He walked out of the store with a bulge in his clothing and when stopped was found with a bag of Sunbeam hot dog rolls and Hillside Farm sausages.On a separate date in 2009 he was arrested by police in relation to an undisclosed matter. He was taken to Hamilton Police Station jail area and a personal search revealed he was carrying two metal pipes to be used in connection with a control drug.On Monday at 6.45pm he was caught stealing hot dogs and a container of cooked food valued at $8.86. When he was confronted by police he said: “I am guilty. I know It was wrong. I am sorry.”Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner heard Edwards’ challenges, but said: “It will only get worse if you spend what little you have on drugs”.