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Young talent on parade -- Finalists in the design an advert section

Hannah Sorensen - Montissori Academy - Second Place P1 - P3 The Market Place Philip Lewis Jr. - Somerset Primary - First Place P4 - P6 Astwood-Dickinson Shonte Richardson - Whitney Institute Middle School - First Place Middle School - Spa Sebastian Matcham - Warwick Academy - First Place Middle School - Pure Water Alfred Roberts - CedarBridge Academy - First Place Senior School - Baptiste Builders' Supply Limited Christyn Blanchette - The Bermuda High School for Girls - Honourable Mention - C Travel Jahmila Bascome - CedarBridge Academy - Honourable Mention - Four Star Pizza Lestino Carter - West End Primary - Second Place P4 - P6 - CableVision Pharaoh Palacio - Harrington Sound Primary - First Place - P1 - P3 The Bermuda Biological Stattion for Research, Inc.