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Laws Reform Commission almost fully operational

The Law Reform Commission will be fully operational by April 1, Justice Minister Michael Scott announced yesterday.MPs passed the Law Reform Commission Act in June 2009, but former Justice Minister Kim Wilson blamed an upsurge in violent crime for delaying its implementation.When he introduced the bill, Mr Scott, who was Junior Justice Minister at the time, told the House of Assembly it signified a “very crucial milestone” in law reform.He said a commission would ensure the development and modernisation of Bermuda’s laws, determine which obsolete or unnecessary acts need repealing and ensure that all legislation complies with the Constitution and international treaties relevant to the Island.Its members would review all proposals for reform of the law and carry out studies on improving and modernising the statute books.He told the House of Assembly yesterday: “The Act was brought into operation on February 4, 2011 and final administrative preparations are underway with the target of ensuring that the commission is fully operational by April 1, 2011.”He said that in order to effect cost savings, parliamentary counsel will be seconded from the legislative drafting section of the Attorney General’s chambers to provide research and drafting support to the commission for the fiscal year 2011/12.