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Act on dereliction

March 28, 2011Dear Sir,Dereliction:1. The state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.2. The shameful failure to fulfill one’s obligations.According to the website www.dictionary.com that is what dereliction, or literally, the state of being derelict, means. It is a growing problem in Bermuda. There has been a lack of effectiveness in doing anything and it is a relatively simple problem to solve. I now draw your attention to something called the “Broken Windows theory”, which according to www.Wikipedia.com states: “The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the normsetting and signalling effects of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behaviour. The theory states that monitoring and maintaining urban environments in a well-ordered condition may prevent further vandalism as well as an escalation into more serious crime.”If we act to clean up simple problems such as trash, derelict automobiles, broken doors and broken windows, then we actually make these places more attractive, which translates into a healthier mind set for the people who live their, which translates into less crime.It is a simple theory, and it provides a simple solution. The only thing we have to do is act.ALEX CONYERS