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Brave Newby grabs silver

Latin American Swimming Championships in Florida at the weekend.The 48-year-old former Warwick Academy teacher and British international competitor completed the 3K open water swim in Fort Lauterdale in 56:34.

Latin American Swimming Championships in Florida at the weekend.

The 48-year-old former Warwick Academy teacher and British international competitor completed the 3K open water swim in Fort Lauterdale in 56:34.

Newby's medal was one of six won by the country's 15 representatives in the final event which brought the final tally to 25.

Colleen Nelson and Christopher Smith both won gold in their age groups.

Nelson, competing in the women's 50-54 category, finished in 1:02.50, while Smith, participating in the men's 65-69, clocked 1:06.30.

Other silvers went to Keven Insley in the men's 40-44 with a swim of 46:01 and Sarah Manuel in the women's 30-34 with a race time of 55:04. Chris Cash picked up bronze in the men's 30-34 in a time just a second slower than Manuel's.

Newby, who has undergone chemotherapy and an operation that left him with virtually no stomach, told The Royal Gazette last month: "It takes a massive effort just to get up in the morning, let alone swim. But after I've swum I feel so good.'' Mike Cash, who accompanied the team to the event, said of Newby's effort: "It was probably the swim of the meet. It was outstanding and he was very pleased with it.''