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Club Med implosion reports spark health and property fears among East Enders

Reports that the former Club Med hotel is to be imploded this summer have left St. George's residents fearful for health and property.

Government's lack of comment did nothing to allay concerns that debris from the demolition might potentially land in water tanks and on roofs or cause damage to historical buildings and injury to personal health.

Amid rumours that the destruction is to take place early this summer, homeowners are insisting Government inform them of plans and precautionary measures well in advance of the exercise.

"I've heard it will be imploded some time in early summer," said one East End resident whose property sits near the site.

"My concern is the health risk involved. I'm hoping they've done their due diligence to make sure there's no risk of particles in the air, to water tanks, roofs and inhabitants."

Even with every precautionary measure in place, the man said wind direction would play a huge factor.

"It's estimated that the wind will have to come from the southwest on the day, to ensure the least amount of persons affected and for particles to go out to sea.

"But there are other concerns. What will the impact be to the forts? What impact will vibrations from the implosion have on Albert and Victoria, who sit intertwined somewhat on the property? I'm also concerned whether Government can allay our fears of asbestos. To what extent was it there?"

Government admitted earlier this month that some eight workers clearing debris from the former hotel were exposed to chrysotile and amosite asbestos, which is used in ceiling coatings and on water pipes as lagging. Following that discovery, asbestos abatement was reportedly undertaken by B&B Fiber Tech Ltd. although no details on its success have been released.

Said Works and Engineering Minister Derrick Burgess at the time: "The people of Bermuda will already know that demolition of the main hotel building, golf club and beach club at the former Club Med, St. George's, is required as the Government wishes to hand over a clean site to the developer of the proposed five-star hotel, residence complex and golf course that will enhance, immeasurably, the island's tourism product specifically, and St. George's parish generally."

Club Med closed two decades ago. Although developers have shown interest in the property over the years, the deals have fallen through. Earlier this month Premier Ewart Brown announced a deal had been made with luxury hotel operator Bazarian International.

Government did not respond to questions about the demolition plans by press time yesterday, but St. George's MP Kim Swan said constituents had expressed their concerns to him.

"Their concerns are valid concerns that residents would have and particularly a person who is looking out for the overall well-being of the historic town," he said.

"Certainly (Shadow Health Minister Louise) Jackson (during a press conference held to draw attention to the safety hazards at the site) expressed her concerns a few weeks ago and as MP for the area, I've been approached by residents who felt uneasy even prior to my colleague's remarks as to what impact the demolition would have."

He added that a recent situation where unskilled persons were called upon to demolish St. George's Police Station didn't offer the residents confidence that proper precaution would be taken in this instance.

"All due diligence must be done to ensure health and safety concerns of our neighbouring residents are taken on board. Removal of rubble is a standing concern as is the vibrations (the demolition will cause) with the significant numbers of historic buildings. We need to contemplate alternate means of removing the significant amounts of rubble and, if the opportunity presents itself, to use it onsite or in neighbouring developments.

"I think they are valid concerns and give an opportunity before the fact, to give proper consideration rather than speaking of the problem after the fact."