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Inside the Full British citizenship deal

What benefits will acquiring British citizenship give me?The main benefit of British citizenship will be right of abode in the United Kingdom and with it, the right to use the fast track EU/EAA channel at the airport. British citizens from the Overseas Territories will not be subject to UK immigration controls and will therefore be able to come to the UK for purposes of leisure, study and employment without gaining prior permission. This will enable British citizens to come and live in the UK and build up the residence requirements relating to other benefits.


What benefits will acquiring British citizenship give me?

The main benefit of British citizenship will be right of abode in the United Kingdom and with it, the right to use the fast track EU/EAA channel at the airport. British citizens from the Overseas Territories will not be subject to UK immigration controls and will therefore be able to come to the UK for purposes of leisure, study and employment without gaining prior permission. This will enable British citizens to come and live in the UK and build up the residence requirements relating to other benefits.

Will I be eligible for US Visa waiver?

This is a matter for the authorities in the USA. Currently, the US is understood to waive the requirement for an advance visa only in respect of British citizens travelling from the UK.

Can I apply to join the Armed Forces?

British Dependent Territory Citizens (BDTCs) can apply to join the Armed Forces now. The Ministry of Defence waived their normal nationality and residence rules about three years ago for entry to the armed forces. There are a number of BDTCs already in the British Armed Forces. The new British citizens from the Overseas Territories will therefore be eligible.

Can I apply to join the British Police?

Yes. The police force is open to anyone who meets the required criteria. There are various entry points into the police including an accelerated promotion scheme for graduates. For more information please visit: www.policecouldyou.co.uk

Will I be free to travel, work and live in the EU?

Under European Community law, having British citizenship will mean that British Dependent Territory citizens acquire rights of free movement, residence and the opportunity to work (without a work permit) in the EU and EEA Member States.

What are my other rights, duties and obligations in the EU?

As an EU citizen you can reside in a Member State and vote in that country's local/municipal and European Parliamentary elections. You can also stand as a candidate in both local and European elections in that country, under the same conditions as its nationals.

All EU citizens are entitled to consular or diplomatic protection when visiting a country outside the EU. They can use the facilities of other Member States when their own country is not represented there.

As an EU citizen you have the right of establishment in business and property, e.g. in trading and manufacturing of goods.

As an EU citizen you have the right to provide and receive services, e.g. in consultancy, accountancy, legal services, hairdressers, estate agents etc.

You will also have the freedom to move capital around, e.g. your finances, from one EU country to another.

Can I practise as a lawyer in any EU country?

Yes. But you would have to go through a number of procedures. If you wish to practise as a lawyer in an EU country under the professional title and with the rights and obligations that you would be entitled to then you must satisfy a number of conditions in recognition of your qualifications. The Member State may wish you to sit an aptitude test in those subjects which are not covered by your training. Your application will then be examined and a decision reached within four months.

Can I practise as a doctor in any EU country?

Yes. You have the right of establishment as a self-employed or employed person in any Member State of the EU, subject to recognition of your qualification. As above there is a procedure to follow which includes registration and processing which can take the Member State up to three months to undertake.

For further information on the above information and the procedures for working in EU countries please log on to: www.europan.eu.int/citizens.

Can I study, train or do research in the EU?

Yes. You can apply to study, train or do research anywhere in the Union. If you are unemployed, you can also undergo training and periods of work experience anywhere in the Union. Conditions of entry to educational establishments are laid down by individual Member States; they may differ significantly from one country to another. You should find out more before departure from your home country.


Does British citizenship mean that students from the Overseas Territories will now pay the domestic rate for tuition fees for Further and Higher Education?

British citizenship does not in itself attract a fee subsidy. The fee structure is governed by The Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations 1997, as amended. However, the autonomy enjoyed by institutions of higher education is such that each college and university decides the level of fees and who qualifies. Eligibility for such support depends on length of residence in the UK and whether or not this is subject to a restriction under the UK immigration laws.

Will students from the OTs now be automatically eligible for support with living costs or tuition fees?

No. To qualify for student support a student would need to meet similar conditions to those relating to tuition fees i.e. UK settlement and residence. However, on meeting these conditions, like any other UK student, he or she would be financially assessed to determine the level of their contribution towards their tuition fees.


Will British citizens from the OTs be entitled to free NHS treatment?

Eligibility for free NHS treatment is based on residence in the UK, National Insurance contributions, or payment of UK taxes, not on nationality. Visitors to the UK (whether they are British citizens or not) are charged for any NHS treatment they receive with certain exceptions: the exceptions include emergency care and treatment for some referred patients from those OTs with reciprocal health agreements with the UK. (The territories concerned are Gibraltar, BVI, TCI, Anguilla, Montserrat, St Helena and the Falklands). All visitors from the OTs receive emergency treatment from GPs and within hospital Accident and Emergency Departments free of charge whether or not there is a reciprocal health agreement.


Will British citizens from OTs be eligible for state benefits after the change?

British citizenship does not mean automatic entitlement to UK state benefits. Other criteria need to be satisfied such as residence status and contribution payments.

Will I be entitled to a UK State retirement pension?

No. Entitlement to a UK State retirement pension is entirely based on a person's UK National Insurance record, not on their nationality nor on their residency.


Will British citizens from the OTs be eligible to vote in British elections?

Not while resident in their territories or elsewhere. If resident in Britain they are, as British Dependent Territory Citizens, and will in future, as British Overseas Territories Citizens or British citizens, be able to vote if they satisfy the normal UK residence and registration requirements.

Will the OTs be represented in Parliament, like the Dutch or the French territories?

No - the territories will retain their own legislatures. They are not being integrated into the UK. But an FCO Minister has specific responsibility for looking after OT issues and will represent their interests in Parliament.

Will British citizenship entitle my territory to send a representative to the British Parliament?

The offer of British citizenship is made to individuals not to a territory. The question of representation is a constitutional one. Overseas Territories are not constitutionally part of the United Kingdom; they are separate legal jurisdictions. Therefore, it is not appropriate for them to be represented in the British Parliament and to take part in decisions on British legislation and internal UK domestic matters.


Does a British passport mean British citizens from the Overseas Territories will pay British taxes?

No. British citizens resident outside the UK/EU are not subject to the direct taxation regimes operated by the UK or other Member States of the European Union.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained above is accurate, complete and up to date at the time of publication. However it does not constitute an authoritative interpretation of the law applicable in individual cases. If you have any further detailed enquiries please submit them in writing through the Governor's office.