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Summer camp gets backing from Government and Bank of Bermuda

Good thing: Children help promote the Sandys 360 Scholar-Athlete Arts Academy summer camp programme.

A summer camp aimed at exposing children to sports, arts and academic activities has received support from both Government and the Bank of Bermuda.

The Sandy's 360 Summer Camp and Academy will see professionally-trained teachers and coaches support campers in swimming, cricket, basketball, sailing, arts and music.

The academic side includes mathematics and language skills such as grammar, sentence structures and essay writing.

Bank of Bermuda CEO, Phil Butterfield said: "Developing academic and athletic skills at an early age models the way of excellence and gives children a chance to make significant progress in their academic career and college preparation."

The Ministry of Environment and Sports' Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation has also committed financial support to the programme, which will be hosted at the the new state-of-the-art Sandy's 360 Sports and Aquatic Enrichment Centre.

Application forms for the summer camp and academy are being handed out to schoolchildren in the west. Parents can also pick up application forms at the Bank of Bermuda office on Church Street or at the Bank of Bermuda head office in Hamilton.