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Eagles: Sunk by sub?

Somerset Eagles could be in trouble for having fielded a player whose registration card was missing in Tuesday?s vital Martonmere Cup clash against Southampton Rangers.

Bermuda Football Association (BFA) general secretary David Sabir confirmed yesterday that there are regulations governing such scenarios but declined to comment on the specific issue until he reads the referee?s report.

?There are rules governing irregularities when it comes to registration and eligibility. Once we determine what happened in the matter in question then a decision will be made regarding the outcome of the game. It?s simple as that,? said Sabir.

?I have to wait until the referee brings in his report. When he does that I will be able to review it. Now I can?t tell you anything.?

In Tuesday night?s do-or-die fixture against Rangers at Devonshire Rec., Eagles substitute Darnell Pickney came on at half time for defender Ryan Simmons who fell ill during the match. However, when fourth official Tracey Adams checked Somerset?s stack of registration cards, there was none for Pickney who also collected the game?s lone booking.

The match was drawn 1-1 with Eagles? Rodre (Piper) Wilson cancelling out Travis Wilkinson?s go-ahead goal for Rangers on the stroke of half time. Given no further inroads by either club in the second half, Eagles advanced from the preliminary, round-robin stages to the Martonmere semi-finals on the basis of having scored more goals.

This, though, could possibly all come to nought.

Asked if Somerset?s continuation in the tournament might be in jeopardy, Sabir replied: ?Of course ? if it?s determined that there is a registration or an eligibility issue.

?If there is an eligibility issue as a result of last night?s (Tuesday) game, then there is always the possibility that the team could suffer and have no further participation in the competition.?