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God's presence integral part of Holder's studies

A young Bermudian has earned a seven-year, $200,000 scholarship to study medicine and genetics.

Sheldon Holder has completed his first quarter of medical studies at Loma Linda University in California where he is pursuing a double degree in medicine and molecular genetics.

A graduate of the Bermuda Institute and a Seventh Day Adventist, Mr. Holder said at present he wants to specialise in paediatric oncology.

He added: "Of course I am leaving my eyes open. People often change their minds once they do their internships.

"If I could I would do three things, practice medicine, research, and teach,'' Mr. Holder added. "I know it is difficult to do all three, but I will probably just research and practice.'' The scholarship, more correctly called the Medical Science Training Programme, is ideal in training people who want to practice medicine, and conduct research.

Mr. Holder's scholarship at Loma Linda gives him a tuition waiver for the duration of his medical degree and a stipend for his living expenses during his three years in graduate school.

Loma Linda University is affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church and having attended Adventist schools all his life, he said he was comfortable in his new surroundings.

Mr. Holder said: "It's easy to lose sight of God because often in science people ignore God or even deny he exists.

"Seventh Day Adventist schools help you keep sight of that,'' he added.

Mr. Holder explained that having God in one's life is good for doctors.

"It's comforting to know that there is someone that is more powerful that is guiding you,'' he added. "That is true for medicine and life in general.'' He said Oakwood College thoroughly prepared him for his medical studies, particularly in its use of cadavers for his anatomy classes.

"I would recommend Oakwood to anyone,'' Mr. Holder said. "It is one of the few medical schools that have cadavers for its pre-med students.'' He added: "That makes it much easier for us emotionally and academically when we get here.'' Before he left Oakwood, Mr. Holder was president of the student government for 1997/1998.

In his inaugural address, he quoted Philippians chapter three, verse 14, "toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus'.'' He said: "Our theme is `Setting the Standard'...It means that we are pressing forward to attain that for which God has taken hold of us.

"The contrast between man's method and God's method of healing is blinding,'' he said. "Only those who were first to reach the waters were apparently healed, but the gifts of God are available to everyone.''