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`Poverty is on the rise'

Poverty is on the rise in the wake of recent terrorist attacks, claims social activist Sheelagh Cooper, despite recent Government claims.

Health Minister Nelson Bascome said there had only been a tiny rise in the numbers of people seeking social assistance and Government also said there had not been a large rise in people registering for work.

But Ms Cooper, who is chairwomen of the Coalition for the Protection of Children, said her group had seen a large rise in cries for help.

She said: "Yesterday I got five calls from families who didn't even have food in their house. I have seen a definite increase in the last month or two reflecting the increase in economic stress in lower income households.For example today I am taking five mothers grocery shopping."

"Some families have seen their hours cut. Some don't even have enough to pay the rent let alone buy food. At this time of year we have a lot of opportunities for people to get hampers. It's not as critical as it might be - my concern is the new year when the Christmas generosity dries up."

Ms Cooper said hard times also increased family stress leading to an increase in abuse and neglect. Parents seeking help from her group will have to attend classes said Ms. Cooper.

"I don't believe in hand outs. They have to attend parenting classes, or more likely, take courses at Bermuda College or in the Community Education and Development Programme.

"We have a number of mothers in those places."

She said classes helped make people more likely to pick up higher earning jobs.

She said: "Being a chamber maid isn't going to cut it but being a secretary with computer skills is very much more likely to give you the income you can survive on.

"It's transformative, you can see the difference after a few classes."

Once trained those under the wing of the Family Learning Centre can then get new office work clothes to make them look the part at interviews, said Ms Cooper.

She urged the public to get behind the red nose campaign which is raising money to help families in need under the wing of the Family Resource Network.