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Garden Club names scholarship recipients

The Garden Club of Bermuda announced the winners of its annual scholarships, with three students earning this year's awards.

Jonathan Starling, Claire Grenfell and Michelle Conklin were each awarded scholarships from the club to help pay for their education in the field of horticulture and related areas. The recipients are studying at University of Edinburgh, Queens University and Guelph University respectively.

Past president and chairman of the scholarship committee Janet Owner sees bright things in all of the students' futures.

"The list of recipients over the years reads like a who's who in horticulture, with at least three going on to become Director of Agriculture," she said. "It is gratifying to see young people becoming involved in this aspect of Bermuda."

The Garden Club has offered scholarships annually for over 50 years.

"Although the Garden Club raises funds for many worthwhile projects such as 'Buy Back Bermuda' and 'Learning through Landscapes,' this is special," said Mrs. Owner, calling it one of the highlights of the club's year.