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Weekend marred by violent attacks

A 22-year-old man was stabbed and beaten after a fight with another man at the West End Mini Yacht Club around 2.30 a.m.

revealed yesterday.

A 22-year-old man was stabbed and beaten after a fight with another man at the West End Mini Yacht Club around 2.30 a.m.

The Sandys Parish man was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, where he needed stitches in the stab wound.

His injuries, however, are not thought to be life threatening. Police inquiries are continuing.

In a separate incident about an hour earlier, a family leaving the Clayhouse Inn in Devonshire was attacked by a large group of youths after a teenager threatened them with a knife.

It is understood the group were returning to their car when a youth with a knife approached them.

A male member of the family punched the youth to the ground -- but their car was then surrounded by around 25 youths.

Four men in the car got out to challenge the gang, and suffered a number of minor scrapes and bruises in the brawl.

Their car, however, had its windscreen and a side window smashed and both doors were dented.

And two men required stitches to arm wounds after being attacked on Saturday morning in Cochrane Road, Sandys.

The two men -- aged 31 and 37 -- said they had been attacked by a group of youths wielding metal pipes. Both needed treatment to arm injuries after the incident, which happened around 5 a.m.

Earlier, on Court Street, Hamilton, a teenager suffered a broken nose and arm after being attacked by another group of youths.

The 19-year-old Sandys man said he was sitting on his cycle when the gang attacked him for no reason, punching him in the face and beating him with a crash helmet. When he fell to the ground, they kicked him repeatedly.

But he was able to get to his feet and run away. The incident happened around 3.30 a.m. and Police inquiries are continuing.

On Friday night, a taxi driver escaped with a bloodied nose and a face cut after six youths attacked following an argument over cash.

The driver told Police he picked up the group around 6.45 p.m. on Cottage Hill in Hamilton Parish. They asked to be taken to Bailey's Bay, but the driver -- after establishing none of them had money -- refused to take them.

One youth in the back of the cab punched the driver in the face while another attacked through the driver's window.

The driver managed to escape his attackers by driving off and reported the incident to Police.