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Bermuda Press earnings rise

Bermuda Press Holdings Ltd. ? the parent company of ? saw income jump 14 percent in the six month period ended March 31 after all division posted improved results or results similar to the same period a year ago.

Income was $1.12 million for the six months ended March 31, 2006 compared to $984,715 in the year ago period, according to the company's interim report released yesterday. Broken down per share, income was 81 cents in the first half of this fiscal year 2006 compared to 71 cents in the year ago period.

Income from operations rose $170,248 over the 2005 period to $1.25 million in the first half of fiscal year 2006. Revenue rose by $243,140 to $15.8 million for the period ended March 31, 2006.

BPH is in the midst of consolidating operations of the Stationery Store and Office Solutions in renovated premises at Mills Creek.

In his interim report to shareholders, company president Roger Davidson said that the consolidation will affect profitability in the short term, but should generate improved results over the longer term.

He added that significant demand for the company's products and services in the first half of 2006 may slacken before the end of the fiscal year as several construction projects that are fuelling the economy will be completed shortly.

"This structural adjustment will dampen demand but the overall impact will depend upon visitor spending which should be off to a good start with the Newport to Bermuda Yacht Race. If visitors take advantage of additional airline seats at more competitive fares, the economy should improve," he said in his interim report.

BPH has now completed merging its commercial printing operations with those of Engravers Limited. The company is now looking forward to "improved effectiveness of staff and better utilisation of the existing capacity of our investment in plant and equipment".

The company is continuing to look for ways to reduce and control expenses in a bid to improve efficiency in the face of increasing electricity costs, pushed by rising fuel charges and significant increases in newsprint and paper costs driven by the "volatile market".

Mr. Davidson noted that such costs of manufacturing disproportionately affect operating expenses compared to many other industries.has recently become available as an electronic edition through www.newsstand.com.

"We are geared to take advantage of opportunities on the Internet as well as having other plans which will improve the company's diversification and future growth," said Mr. Davidson.