Investigation into alleged theft of internal Govt report
An investigation has started into the alleged theft of an internal Government report aired on TV.Cabinet Secretary Donald Scott issued a statement this morning which said that ZBM news was in possession of a "confidential report that was stolen from government offices and leaked to Gary Moreno at ZBM news".The statement added: "Internal enquiries regarding the theft of the report and leaking it to ZBM news are underway."The report is part of ongoing scheduled work by the Department of Internal Audit. The purpose is to identify any weaknesses in internal controls in Government entities and to make recommendations for improvements."The reports are taken seriously by Government and acted upon."The theft of the confidential report by Internal Audit is a serious matter and public officers who are found to have been involved will be subject to disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Public Service Commission Regulations”.Auditor General, Heather Jacob Matthews released a statement on the audit to The Royal Gazette yesterday.She said: "I am aware that the Department of Internal Audit conducted a review of DCI and reported on its findings."For your information, the Auditor General and the Director of Internal Audit collaborate under a formal Memorandum of Understanding which allows us to join forces to promote good governance, transparency and accountability in the use of public resources."Under our MOU, audits are coordinated to ensure adequate audit coverage and to minimize duplication of efforts."In relation to the DCI report, I expect that Internal Audit’s findings will be acted upon and remediated immediately. Where there are issues that relate to misuse of public funds, I would expect this to result in swift and decisive punitive action."The Minister of Finance in reference to the Good Governance legislation in July 2011 is on record stating that “any hint of inappropriate behaviour will be addressed swiftly and without hesitation”. I am hopeful that this will be the case."