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Photos needed for education event

The Ministry of Education and Development needs your help for its upcoming Annual Education Conference/Expo.

Senior Education Officer Maxine Esdaille is asking members of the public for help in finding old photographs showing the evolution of public education in Bermuda. ?We are particularly looking for pictures of original school facilities and pictures of former teachers and principals and we guarantee that your precious photographs will be kept safe and intact,? she said.

The Conference/Expo takes place on November 18-19 at the CedarBridge Academy.

The theme of this years? Conference/Expo is ?Excellence in Education Through the Years? and the Department of Education will be focusing on educational excellence in the past, present and future.

Ms Esdaille also appealed to members of the community who could speak to this year?s theme and would like to participate to contact her.

If you have any old photographs, or can offer your public speaking services to the Ministry, call 292-3507 or e-mail Ms Esdaille at mesdaillemoed.bm