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Nibs rips into understudy over youth squad failure

yesterday's talk show Talking Sport , assistant youth team coach Jack Castle still thinks Bermuda was right to send a team to the CONCACAF Youth Tournament in British Columbia.

Castle, who appeared as a guest on the hour-long programme that was forced into overtime by Lewis' tongue-lashing, listened as the former PHC coach called in to voice his concern over the youth team's performances in the recent tournament.

He also accused today's young coaches of being for themselves after Castle spoke of what he and coach Robert Calderon gained from their experiences in Canada.

Later, Castle explained how he had gone to Lewis to seek his advice on a youth team matter prior to the tournament. "He told me to go and deal with the problem head on,'' Castle said. "Obviously, he was speaking about an incident I had approached him about. Some things were going wrong and he told me to go and sort them out. They were things to do with the youth team.'' Lewis, like former coach Carlton (Pepe) Dill, feels that the Bermuda team was ill-prepared to compete in a tournament of this magnitude.

It is a view Castle initially agreed with though he sees some positive things, which were learned from the tournament.

"To some degree I totally agreed with Pepe,'' said Castle. "The team was not prepared to enter a tournament of that magnitude but we need to compete at that level.

"We got something out of it, we didn't embarrass the country to the extent where we should not have gone.'' Castle points to a number of players -- like Stanton Lewis, Dano Outerbridge, Jamal Samuels, Keishon Smith, Ricky Tucker, Kimandi Binns and Quincey Aberdeen -- whom he feels will have gained from the exposure.

"These fellas were very outstanding and didn't look out of their league,'' Castle said. "As a team this competition was solely and wholly about preparation and if you had the preparation you were bound to do well.

"But if we don't compete we're going to find the standard of our youth soccer not looking so good. In fact we'd be grouped with Guadeloupe and the Netherlands Antilles. The results don't justify the way the games went because against Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago we did very well.'' Added Castle: My personal opinion about the whole situation is you're only going to get out of it what you put in.'' Castle, a former player under Lewis at PHC, has no fears of taking over the coaching job next season from Alfie Eve who has now stood down, despite Lewis' influence at the club. "I can't hold any grudges against him,'' he stated.

"I would like to think that both of us are men and that we'd let bygones be bygones.'' JACK CASTLE -- On the defensive.

LEROY (NIBS) LEWIS -- On thw warpath.