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Woman reports sexual assault

find a man behind her in her bed sexually assaulting her.The woman told Police she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

find a man behind her in her bed sexually assaulting her.

The woman told Police she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom the man had left her bed but she noticed a figure hiding in the curtains of her patio door.

There she discovered the same man committing an indecent act; she screamed and the man ran off. Police are continuing their investigation.

TOURISM TO BE DEBATED TOU Tourism to be debated The public is invited to attend a symposium on the future of tourism at the Bermuda College's New Hall lecture theatre tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.

The purpose of the symposium is to discuss the direction the Island's tourism industry should take. The panel will be chaired by E. Michael Jones and will consist of David Hamshere of the Tourism Board, hotelier of the year Muriel Richardson, retailer John Casling, Chamber of Commerce president David Rowntree, William (Billy) Griffiths of the Harmony Club, and Glen Titterton, deputy chairman of BIBA.

TIMES CREDITORS MEET NJ Times creditors meet A committee of inspection is not required for the now defunct Bermuda Times because the liquidation of the company is not complex.

Creditors of the newspaper met for the first time on Friday.

The shareholders met earlier in the morning and named Kymn Astwood, previously the official receiver/provisional liquidator, as the permanent liquidator.

The Bermuda Times, the Island's only black-owned newspaper, folded in May this year with the loss of three full-time jobs.

SMITH'S MAN ATTACKED CRM Smith's man attacked A 22-year-old Smith's Parish man Saturday night reported he was headbutted outside a Hamilton nightclub.

The victim told Police he was riding as a passenger with his younger brother when they turned onto Court Street.

At a junction, the passenger of another cycle allegedly shouted obscenities at the pair and when they reached their destination, the same cycle approached them once again.

The passenger of the cycle then allegedly headbutted the victim in the mouth while he was wearing his crash helmet. The victim sustained a split lip and a chipped tooth.