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TCD probe

TCD director Mr. Donald Dane said yesterday the TCD did not substantiate the allegation, but made a change to prevent what was alleged from occurring.

Transportation was using unlicensed buses.

TCD director Mr. Donald Dane said yesterday the TCD did not substantiate the allegation, but made a change to prevent what was alleged from occurring.

Bee Line has ten buses, of which four are licensed and insured, a source told The Royal Gazette . When two of the licensed buses broke down, it was alleged the licences were taken from those buses and placed in unlicensed buses so they could be used, the source said.

When the TCD arrived, the licences were in the proper buses, but they were in pockets from which they could easily be removed, Mr. Dane said, adding: "I took them out of the pockets and fixed them to the windscreens,'' he said.