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ISO teams up with IAO

Insurance Service Office, Inc. (ISO) and Insurers' Advisory Organisation Inc. (IAO) have formed a strategic sales alliance to market products to property casualty insurance companies doing business in Canada and the US.

IAO has said it will immediately begin to market ISO forms, rules and loss costs to Canadian Companies doing business in the US.

"In the mean time, this will mean a greater number of products and services for the North American property/casualty industry," said Chris Cron, ISO vice president-international.

"And not just existing products. We plan to work together on special projects and develop new products that will benefit customers of both firms."

Fifty eight Canadian property/casualty insurance companies - representing more than 80 percent of - Canada's written premium and all major insurance lines - are IAO members.

"Through ISO associate membership, our companies will now have greater access to critical underwriting and loss-cost information," said Earle F. Hamilton IAO vice president -underwriting management services.

Based in Jersey City, N.J., ISO is a leading source of information, products and services related to property and liability risk.

IAO, based in Markham, Ontario, is Canada's recognised leader in physical inspection, rate making, risk management and loss prevention. IAO is a subsidiary of Underwriters Adjustment Bureau Ltd., Canada's only one-stop risk shop.