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Christmas story deadline looms

December 2 has been set as the deadline for The Royal Gazette's Christmas Short Story Competition, a holiday tradition spanning the past 40 odd years.

Cash prizes will be presented in each of two categories: Under 18s and adults. The winner in each section will receive $300 and the runner-up $200 and two special awards of $100 will go to the authors of stories showing exceptional promise, regardless of category. Generally, several honourable mentions are also given.

It is important to concentrate on the theme of Christmas in Bermuda and the stories may be fiction or non-fiction and should not exceed 1,500 words. Poems and essays are not acceptable. All entries are to be received by 5 p.m. on December 2.

The full name, address and telephone number of the author must be given with each story and all stories must be typed on one side of the paper with double-line spacing.

The winning stories are printed in The Royal Gazette on Christmas Eve and makes for excellent reading for children and their families over the holiday season.

Last year The Royal Gazette received 212 stories, with 32 adult stories and 180 stories from children under 18. Last year's numbers exceeded the previous year by 57 stories.

Nicole Pinder was last year's adult winner with a story entitled, "Not Even a Mouse", the story of a mouse who was brought in on a Christmas tree in a couple's house. The mouse bites the husband's finger and ends up a hero with free room and board.

Gary Furtago was the winner of the under 18 category and wrote a delightful tale, "Skink to the Rescue!", about Samuel S. Skink, a very brave skink, who helps rescue Santa's crashed sleigh in the waters near Castle Island.

Also memorable was the story by adult writer, Margaret Potts, who received Exceptional Promise for her short story, "Let's Talk Turkey". It was a funny tale about the challenges that a dead plucked turkey presents.

Winners, runners-up, exceptional promises and honourable mentions will be contacted directly by phone within the next two week so please include your contact number and specify if your story is for the adult or under 18 category on your entry.