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Olympic coverage woes

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Bermuda's Alexander Kirkland carries his national flag during the Opening Ceremony at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 27, 2012, in London. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

August 8, 2012Dear Sir,Last week I was in San Diego, California where I watched superb coverage of the Olympics on NBC and unlike previous years where viewers complained that commentators were biased and only showed the American athletes, this time there was none of that. Every commentator was either an expert on the sport or an ex-Olympic champion so the commentary came from knowledgeable people who knew what they were talking about.What a difference coming back here to the local coverage. The commentators on one channel I watched had absolutely no knowledge of the sport they were covering so I switched over to the other channel which wasn’t any better. One of the commentators made a statement which I find very hard to believe, he said every person in the Olympic Stadium had paid £1,600 (approximately $2,500) on Sunday for a seat to watch the track and field events.Perhaps someone could explain to me, a mere mortal, in simple layman’s terms why we have to go through this fiasco every time there is an important sporting event like the Olympics. Surely once every four years isn’t too much to ask to have decent coverage for two weeks? As a CableVision subscriber I would like to know when to expect my refund for the channels I am paying for which have been blacked out.CAROL CARVALHO

Brothers Jesse and Zander Kirkland show off their new spinnaker depicting Bermuda's flag during 2012 Olympic practise in Weymouth, England.