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May 16, 2012Dear Sir,Bermuda Broadcasting and CableVision have, for what seems like years now, been embroiled in a dispute over licensing fees. A CableVision subscriber, I find myself in the middle. Honestly, I would care very little about an extra few dollars a month, so I don’t fully understand CableVision’s avid position against the payment.That said, I would only pay for something of high quality and in that regard, Bermuda Broadcasting in no way deserves a penny. In just the last few weeks three problems have come up that are really inexcusable. One, the audio level was set so high that it came through as a distorted squelch. Two, BBC regularly mistimed their logo popping up at the “end” of network shows, cutting out some of the final minutes of an episode. Third (and the instigator of this letter), they last night cut out the season finale of a hugely popular show to play ‘Let’s Talk’. I’m not privy to the contract they have with CBS, maybe they are permitted to do pre-empt CBS, but could they not choose a time outside of prime time?BBC is so hugely behind in terms of technology and programming quality that I don’t think the Broadcasting Commission should protect them any further. The poorly produced local programming, archaic technology and complete lack of any sort of push for HD (now the norm across the US) has rendered the BBC obsolete. I think it’s time CableVision was allowed to bring in an alternative feed from the US so that the BBC has to earn its viewership. While it is hard to admit, we are not a large enough community to support multiple sources of local programming and any that do exist need to be able to support themselves.AN EXTREMELY –FRUSTRATED VIEWERPembroke