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Today is the final day to register to vote

Today is the final day to register to vote in the upcoming general election.Persons who have never registered or who have changed their details since voting in 2007 have until 5pm to make amendments online or in person in order to vote on December 17.Registration forms can be completed online, at www.elections.gov.bm, or picked up from the Parliamentary Registry Office on Reid Street, Hamilton or from any Post Office or Police Station.No registrations or amendments will be accepted after 5pm today.Voters that are already correctly registered do not need to register again.A revised register will be published on Monday.All voters are encouraged to ensure their registration details have been updated either online, at www.elections.gov.bm, or at The Parliamentary Registry Office at 60 Reid Street; The Department of Communication and Information at 43 Church Street or at post offices and police stations.Parliamentary registrar Randy Scott said there had been delays due to a large number of online registrations during the past few days.“We are currently working through many registration forms in order to meet our deadline [today],” he said. “What we have noticed is that if someone makes a submission on a particular day they expect to see the change on our site the next day. That is impossible right now and if voters do not see a change they resend their forms again which tends to slow up the vetting process.”For more information telephone 293-VOTE or 298-8683 or visit www.elections.gov.bm.