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Southern called to the Bar

Mr. Mark Southern, 28, will continue working as an admiralty shipping litigator at the prominent London firm, Norton Rose.

During his speech at his Bar admission hearing Mr. Southern thanked Mr.

Nicholas Dill Sr., senior partner at Conyers Dill & Pearman, for his support and his sponsorship.

He also thanked his parents and long-time family friend Mr. Ian Hilton along with local law firms which "continued supporting those Bermudians wishing to study law abroad and those Bermudians presently working abroad.'' Mr. Southern has spent some of his time at the London office working in the Middle East.

He said his work at Norton Rose brought him "in constant contact with Bermuda'' which he hoped to put to good use when he returns to the Island to practise.

He said his work also put him in contact regularly with shipowners, Protecting and Indemnity insurance clubs and reinsurers.

Mr. Southern added that he hoped to be able to continue gaining the "invaluable benefit of London experience in the immediate future, which I expect to bring back with me to Bermuda, one day, to contribute to the Island that has given me so much.'' BARRED -- Messrs. Mark Southern and Nicholas Dill, Sr.