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Mad admits assaulting police officer

A Southampton man today admitted using threatening words and assaulting a police officer.

Twenty-eight year-old Ashlee Clay, of Camp Hill, also admitted to obstructing police, causing wilful damage and driving an unlicensed motor car.

The incident occurred when Clay, who told Magistrates’ Court that his mother had just passed away, approached officers who were directing traffic around an accident near the junction of Radnor Road and North Shore Road in Hamilton Parish on Wednesday.

Clay failed to comply with an officer’s signal to stop and drove towards the officer, repeatedly beeping his horn in an attempt to pass. The officer again directed Clay to stop which he eventually did.

Officers approached Clay and asked him to produce his driver’s licence to which he replied: “I don’t have no f****** licence.”

After warning him of his language, Clay then replied: “No! F**k, f**k, why are you harassing me?”

Officers later found that committal warrants had been issued for Clay and informed him that he was under arrest.

“You are not putting a cuffs on me,” Clay protested, briefly resisting arrest.

Informed that he was going to be searched, Clay said: “You’re not touching me.”

While being searched Clay lunged towards one of the officers and pushed him to the ground, causing his glasses to be damaged.

Clay continued to be belligerent, the court heard, swinging his arms and body in a violent manner until officers subdued him using a Taser.

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo fined Clay a total of $2895 for the offences.