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Government ?absolutely wrong? on Anchorage Road plan

photo by Glenn TuckerOne of the Anchorage Road apartment buildings

Government came under fire yesterday over the plight of tenants being forced to leave their St. George?s homes.

Several Bermuda Housing Corporation tenants at Anchorage Road fear they will have to move their belongings out by October 15 to make way for a development.

One 70-year-old woman could find the move too much to bear, warned Opposition Deputy Leader Wayne Furbert.

Mr. Furbert, also Shadow Housing Minister, was speaking at a Press conference yesterday to air the tenants? concerns. Also there was Opposition Senate Leader Kim Swan.

In a letter to some of the tenants, BHC said the development of ?Anchorage Villas? was imminent.

BHC originally planned to sell the four renovated units, but then decided to keep them on the market with increased rents.

?Government has removed financial assistance for seniors, so any seniors who have a net value of more than $5,000 are not able to get assistance,? Mr. Furbert said.

?(At Anchorage Road) we have seniors at least over 70 years old. She has lived in this area all her life, in these units. And now here is Government again once again sending the wrong message that seniors are not cared for. At her age, she has to pack up her clothes and belongings.

?How can seniors live in such stress on a daily basis? For years, residents in this area have been taking care of her, for example going out and getting her shopping, but now Government is dumping her in an area where she is not known by anyone. All that would have a have an impact on her life span. It?s absolutely wrong,? he said.

The senior was contacted by and confirmed all of Mr. Furbert?s statements, but did not wish to comment.

?The residents of Anchorage Road have had to rely on me to express their concerns,? Sen. Swan said.

And residents contacted by confirmed that the politicians were in fact speaking on their behalf.

?Government speaks about social agendas. But we are calling on Government to demonstrate their social conscience by acting responsibly. Act by not displacing people. Act by recognising there is a housing crisis. Act by renovating a building that has been empty for two years. Act by keeping this community intact. Come to the wicket and do the right thing,? Sen. Swan said. Acting Housing Minister Dale Butler was unable to be contacted for a response yesterday and Vance Campbell, General Manager of the Bermuda Housing Corporation was off the Island.

Mr. Furbert said if he were in power he would fix up the one building on Anchorage Road that fell into disrepair long ago, then play ?musical houses? until all the homes were renovated. This way none of the residents would have to be moved.

?The solution is simple, the house behind me was renovated in 2000 to 2001. With a bit of paint and filling in some cracks, residents can live here comfortably. The unit to my left, is vacant. All you have to do is renovate that unit and move them from that unit to another,? Mr. Furbert said.

?We are very much concerned with the direction that Government has taken with Anchorage Road ... Houses are more than bricks and mortar, the personal feelings of people are involved,? he said.