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BIU just breaking even, report shows

over the last financial year, its most recently audited financial report shows.And management salaries and expenses continue to be one of its most costly expenses.

over the last financial year, its most recently audited financial report shows.

And management salaries and expenses continue to be one of its most costly expenses.

The BIU took in $2,088,897 between October 1, 1995 and September 30, 1996 and they spent $2,085,490 which means that they had $3,407 left over.

Of the money they spent over this period, $875,910 went to pay officers' salaries while $895,747 went to "other expenses of management.'' By comparison, money paid to members formed a diminutive portion of the BIU's expenses.

Sick pay to members amounted to $1,737, superannuation pay was $7,795, accident pay and education seminars came to $3,511 while medical aid and education bursaries was $566.

The majority of income came from members' dues at $1,582,471. Other income included some $487,146. The majority of that was derived from rents ($308,745), $170,857 came from the BIU gas station, and $55,184 came from the construction funds' administration fees. Sundry Income was $30,719.

Meanwhile the Liberty Theatre made a loss of $78,359 compared to the 1993/94 financial year when it made a loss of $35,796. During the financial year 1992/93 its loss was $79,587.

The BIU is owed $220,190 in unpaid dues and another $162,586 in "other accounts receivable''.

Other assets include $33,270 for inventory, $29,699 in prepaid expenses and $106,364 for investment.

Among its liabilities, are members equity at $1,941,858, and a long term debt of $884,687. Some $49,393 is due in the short term.

The BIU has most of its assets in land holdings ($765,000), offices and buildings ($6,319,710) and $418,934 worth of cash in the bank. It also owns 25,978 shares in the Bermuda Commercial Bank worth $168,073.

The accounting firm of Deloitte and Touche conducted the audit.