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Bermuda Financial Network expands to both ends of the Island

Expansion plan: Alvin Wilson, of Bermuda Financial Network, which will be expanding its services to St. George's and Dockyard.

East and West enders alike will be able to send money to family and friends overseas or make business transactions more easily after Bermuda Financial Network announced plans to roll out new branches on either end of the Island.

The company, an agent for Western Union money transfers, will be opening the offices in King Square, St. George's next week and Somerset Road, Somerset in two weeks.

And managing director Alvin Wilson believes the time is right after 14 years in business for the firm to expand during the current recession, taking advantage of a number of factors, including cheaper rents.

"2010 will be our year of expansion," he said. "We have chosen to do this at the current time because we feel that the recession actually offers some advantages to our business.

"We are able to acquire rental properties for less than before the recession and also we can offer cost effective and efficient products that will maybe attract people as an alternative to doing a straightforward banking transaction."

Mr. Wilson claimed his company offers a number of services which are more cost-effective and efficient than the banks and other competitors, including being able to send money electronically in less than 10 minutes compared to a wire which takes two to three days to clear.

Meanwhile, he said the new branches will allow customers to cash their cheques for a 25 percent discount of the bank rate - $15 for HSBC Bermuda and $7.50 for Butterfield Bank.

Clients will also be able to make the most of their experience when paying a visit to the company's offices, receiving a free soft drink and, on Fridays, free cookies, as well as a service with a smile - a novel approach to customer service adopted by Mr. Wilson.

"It is just a little something to let our customers know that we care," he said. "Our staff are highly trained to be warm, friendly and engaging, and above all, offer the personal touch by addressing the customer by their name." Among the other incentives available to customers will be a high quality umbrella able to withstand 60 mile per hour winds for those making large transactions above a certain amount, as well as high quality pens, sewing kits, balloons, coasters, key rings and beach balls.

Every 100th customer will win a crisp $100 note and there will also be a prize draw for a dinner for two, in addition to a monthly prize draw for the first two months for a free plane ticket to New York.

Mr. Wilson said his company decided to take the step to expand its reach to the East and West end to provide easier access and better service to its customers in those areas.

"We discovered that there were a number of people in the East and West end areas who were put off coming into Hamilton because of the traffic or the trouble having to find parking," he said.

"Many of them would prefer not to make the journey, so we decided to bring our services to them to cater for everyone from Warwick to Dockyard in the West and Hamilton parish to St. David's in the East."

Bermuda Financial Network was the first company in Bermuda to offer Internet bill payment, with 1,600 merchant payees available online, and also enables its clients to move their money to US chequing and savings accounts through the Account Clearing House system. It is also the representative for American Express on the Island.

Mr. Wilson, who is in the process of hiring new staff for the new offices to add to his existing staffbase of six full-time employees, said the company has a number of innovative and exciting new products and services in the pipeline, including the ability to make a banking transaction on a mobile phone, which is set to be launched in the next one to two months.

To apply for a position at one of the new branches or for more information about Bermuda Financial Network contact Tiffany Smith on 292-1799 or email tiffany@easypay.bm