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Employee stole liquor

told the court "everyone was doing it''.Dennis Perinchief, 22, of Hermitage Road, Devonshire, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to stealing and receiving $1,656.92 worth of alcohol from Gosling.

told the court "everyone was doing it''.

Dennis Perinchief, 22, of Hermitage Road, Devonshire, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to stealing and receiving $1,656.92 worth of alcohol from Gosling.

"I just got caught up with what everyone else was doing,'' Perinchief told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis.

Prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said Gosling Brothers management noticed cases of liquor were missing from January to September 1994.

After a Police investigation, Perinchief's home was searched and six cases of a variety of liquor, worth $1,306, was found.

Perinchief admitted stealing some of the liquor, but he said he allowed others to store what they had stolen at his home.

Perinchief said he planned to sell the alcohol.

Mr. Francis ordered Perinchief to pay $500 on each of the two counts.