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Hitting all the right notes A magical evening of music

Frejya Kermode, Imogen Peckett, Courtney Marshall

As part of the recent National Trust Walkabout in St George’s, our woodwind teacher, Dr Derek Tully, invited us to perform with him at Tucker House, the home of one of Bermuda’s 17th century governors. It is one of the oldest buildings in Bermuda.“I felt really honoured to be invited to perform there” said Courtney. “It is one of the most famous homes in the Island.”Frejya and Imogen agreed. “I had practiced my Christmas Carols to make sure I was ready,” noted Frejya, “but when we arrived and saw long lines of people waiting to go in I began to feel awfully nervous!”“I actually had another problem on top of nervousness,” added Imogen. “I had broken my wrist two weeks earlier and it was still in a cast so it was difficult holding my clarinet for too long!”“Both Frejya and I had performed at our School Assembly,” said Courtney, “but this was different. There were lots of adults there waiting for us to play so that added to the excitement. ““We heard Dr Tully say, ‘I want to introduce three children from Bermuda High School who will make their public debut this evening’.”“When he said that,” said Frejya, “I began to really get nervous! Would I miss notes? Courtney and I played our flute duet together, an arrangement of the carol ‘Silent Night’. When we finished and looked up from our music, all the visitors to Tucker House were applauding and saying ‘Well done!’”“Before I started,” said Imogen, “I felt really hot, and my hands were shaking a bit. St George’s was packed with people, and they all seemed to be lined up outside Tucker House waiting to come in to listen. I could feel my wrist sore, but I kept on playing, and I felt really good when I heard the applause from the visitors.”All three children agreed that performing in such a historic setting added to the occasion. “We could hear the ancient floorboards squeaking,” said Frejya, “and performing in such a beautiful setting with the centuries old furniture made the three of us feel really special a magical evening for all of us!”