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Woman admits importing cocaine and cannabis resin

A 23-year-old St. George's woman is being held in custody after admitting importing more than 100 grams of cocaine to the Island.

Seanee Smith, of York Street, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to importing cocaine and cannabis resin.

According to Crown counsel Tawana Tannock, Smith was stopped by customs officers at L.F. Wade International Airport on April 27 after arriving on a flight from Newark, New Jersey.

After she collected her bags, she was stopped by customs officers for a search based on information received.

During the search, preliminary tests found trace amounts of cocaine on her hands.

When officers asked her if she knew why the cocaine might be on her hands, she said: "I don't know. I smoke weed, but not that."

After an initial search of her bags, she was taken to a rest room for a complete search, at which time she asked if she could place her handbag in one of her bags.

Once the personal search was completed, she was told her bags were going to be searched again and she immediately began asking for her handbag.

During the search of her bags, she repeatedly looked at the handbag, causing the customs officers to turn their attention towards it.

Inside the handbag, officers found a brown, cylindrical package. Lab tests later showed that the package contained 109.6 grams of cocaine, and 49.1 grams of cannabis resin.

The cocaine was estimated to be worth $22,500 on the streets of Bermuda, while the cannabis resin could sell for as much as $4,900.

Marc Daniels, representing Smith, told the court that the drugs were for personal use, and so the street value of the drugs in Bermuda was irrelevant.

"The numbers the Police use are always geared towards creating numbers like this," he said.

"She admits the drugs are hers and, based on that, I think we need to look at treatment as an option."

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered a social inquiry report and a substance abuse report to be carried out.

Smith was remanded in custody until July 12 when she will face sentencing.