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The Bermuda translation

September 6, 2012Dear Sir,Have to ask did anyone out there listen to former US President Bill Clinton’s speech from the Democratic Convention 2012? Bermuda, if you missed this speech, you need to ‘You tube’ or Google it. I was busy going about my evening chores, as I listened to Clinton speak, eventually, I had to stop the chores and take my seat in front of the TV. Why? Because, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought for sure, that he was speaking on behalf of Premier Paula Cox, about the misguidance of the One Bermuda Alliance and its empty promises.Now, don’t get offended OBA, just read on ...1. President Clinton: “The Republicans made a mess of things during their long time in office. Then here comes President Obama, who, although he and the Democrats work hard everyday to fix the mess made, they have been unable to completely rid the country of the mess. So, the Republicans say ... remove President Obama, and put us (the mess makers) back in office and we’ll fix it.”Bermuda translation: The United Bermuda Party, made a mess of things during their 30 plus years in office, they forgot about the low income and middle class families, while focusing on making the rich, richer and then in comes the Progressive Labour Party, who although they work hard everyday for all Bermuda, they have been unable to rid the country completely of the mess made by the UBP. So the Bermuda Democratic Alliance, now OBA (composed of many of the old UBP decision makers) comes along, and they say: ‘elect us Bermuda, and we’ll fix it’.Really? Fix the mess your predecessors created, and we lived with for some 30 plus years!2. President Clinton said: “It is virtually impossible to repair the damage done by the Republicans, in the short amount of time that President Obama has been in office. He will need at least another term, if that, to begin to address the damages.”Bermuda translation — it is virtually impossible to fix 30 plus years of damage done by the Opposition, in the short amount of time, that the PLP have been in office they need at least another term, if that, to move beyond stabilisation for all, and to begin to address the many damages left by the opposition.Really? 1998 to now, will never be long enough to erase the 30 plus years of misfortune and missed opportunities, plagued on Mr & Mrs Average Bermuda by the Opposition, whether UBP, BDA or OBA.3. President Clinton said: “The Republicans are always talking about, how the Democrats are always wasting taxpayers’ money and causing an increase in the country’s debt, and, if they were to return to office, they would cut Government spending and programmes implemented by President Obama and the Democrats to bring down the debt.”Bermuda translation — the PLP has put Bermuda first by supporting the single mother/father, the seniors, the school aged children, the college aged young people, adults with healthcare needs (to name a few); this done by implementing, free day care, free bus rides, free college tuition, free car licensing for seniors and Future Care (to name a few), but the OBA is always talking of how the PLP has wasted taxpayers money and caused an increase in the country’s debt OBA, what are you saying? Are you saying you will cut these programmes, put in place by the PLP, to assist the people, thus reducing the debt? Clarify your position.4. President Clinton said: “Republicans are always talking about how President Obama and the Democrats have made housing matters worse for Americans, thus creating the housing crisis and again increasing the debt (pet words) and if they were returned to office, they would ‘fix’ the housing crisis, cut the projects and decrease the debt.Bermuda translation — despite the PLP again, putting the country and the people of Bermuda first, by tackling the housing needs with solutions like, Loughlands, Harborview, Perimeter Lane Apartments; and even the issues being addressed at Ireland Island. The OBA says that if we elect them, they would decrease the debt by cutting these housing projects and saving taxpayer monies and of course we believe them, because they are the housing project experts — just look at what they did to help those who lived in the former “Incubator”, formerly located across from the Clay House Inn.5. President Clinton said, the Republicans are always talking about jobs losses and how It’s the fault of the Democrats that so many are out of work.Bermuda translation — Mr Editor, I question the plan of the OBA in this area, because all they do is talk about the PLP and job losses, but, that’s all it seems to be talk. Perhaps that’s because they realise, that, if they were in the shoes of the PLP, it wouldn’t be as easy, as they are misleading people to believe job losses are also world wide, but there are signs that the recession is slowing. So jobs will increase again. And as economist Craig Simmons said in the daily today: “Now is the time for people to follow their entrepreneurial dream” Why? So when the recession does end, and it will, jobs will be created and available.6. Last, but not least President Clinton said, and I paraphrase: “The Republicans don’t understand struggle, because many of them have never had to. The Republicans don’t understand that President Obama came from humble beginnings because they can’t relate, but that’s what makes President Obama great! He understands the struggles of all Americans.Bermuda translation — Premier Paula Cox and her Cabinet comprise those who understand what it means to struggle and make it they can relate to all Bermuda, because many of the issues faced, they have also lived. Bermuda, don’t get caught up in the hype, don’t be misled by words that sound good on the surface, but have no depth.OBA vs USA Republicans — similarities scary!TRUTH SPEAKSDevonshire