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Rider to miss NZ trip

order to stand trial for two boat offences.Timothy Collins, of Lighthouse Lane, pleaded not guilty in Magistrates' Court yesterday to driving a powerboat without due care and attention and failing to give relevant information after colliding with another boat.

order to stand trial for two boat offences.

Timothy Collins, of Lighthouse Lane, pleaded not guilty in Magistrates' Court yesterday to driving a powerboat without due care and attention and failing to give relevant information after colliding with another boat.

His lawyer, Miss Maryellen Goodwin, said she did not understand why the matter had come to trial as the owner of the damaged boat left the scene before Collins did.

She also noted that the boats were moored next to each other at the time of the incident.

The estimated damage done was $200.

An accomplished equestrian, Collins will have to forfeit a competition in New Zealand in order to be in court in December.

He was unable to appear in court earlier because he was scheduled to go back to college on Saturday.

Collins was bailed in the sum of $500 and one like surety.