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Kozlowski?s name taken off building

SOUTH ORANGE, New Jersey (Bloomberg) ? Seton Hall University, a Catholic institution named for a saint, removed the name of Dennis Kozlowski, convicted felon and former chief executive of Tyco International Ltd., from a building on campus.

The name was removed yesterday at Kozlowski?s request, Seton Hall spokesman Thomas White said in a telephone interview. The building has been renamed Jubilee Hall. Seton Hall, a school of 10,000 students in South Orange, New Jersey, has had at least three buildings named for convicted felons.

Kozlowski, a 1968 Seton Hall graduate, faces as many as 30 years in prison after being convicted of larceny for looting Tyco of more than $150 million and defrauding shareholders. His name also came off a rotunda in the library, White said.

?Seton Hall is a place where faith matters, where personal responsibility and values are central to our academic mission, so it does come as a relief to many that it has been removed,? White said.

Students, faculty and business-ethics specialists said in interviews earlier this year that they were troubled by having the name of a felon on a school building. Diane Swanson, chairwoman of a business-ethics initiative at Kansas State University, said she was disappointed the name wasn?t removed sooner.

?The turnaround demonstrates the need to hold universities responsible for being beacons of morality in communities,? Swanson said in an e-mail.

Harvard University, Brown University and the University of Missouri are among schools that named buildings after benefactors who were later indicted or convicted. Some have decided to keep the names.

Seton Hall was named for Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first US-born saint. It once had a gym named after Robert E. Brennan, a 1965 Seton hall alumnus who was later convicted on money laundering. The board voted to remove Brennan?s name in 2002. Brennan, 61, founded Colts Neck, New Jersey-based First Jersey Securities Inc.

The school still has a library named for Frank Walsh Jr., a former Tyco board member who pleaded guilty to securities fraud in 2002. The school has no plans to remove Walsh?s name, White said.