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Dodwell knows how to communicate

David Dodwell, Chairman of the Bermuda Tourism Authority

January 23, 2014

Dear Sir

In my opinion, and I’m a loyal supporter, one of the issues that the OBA MPs have yet to address is their misconception that they are communicating at all, much less, effectively. I guess they just assume that either they are, in fact, getting their point across or they will do that in a year or so when they need to start thinking about getting re-elected.

They could all take a lesson from David Dodwell. His frequent reports in the RG on the state of tourism generally and the specific roles and goals of the new BTA are exceptional. Mr Dodwell is well respected as a knowledgeable tourism man, but he is also pretty well regarded in terms of integrity and his love for Bermuda. His reports tell us the facts with little embellishment and without any apology — in his opinion, shared by many, this is how tourism should be run.

The term ‘communication’ is overused and often not given much attention.

People can learn a lot from listening and seeing how David does it and continued ignorance of a widely held perspective, in my opinion, will be at their peril.