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Lobby group formed to push gaming

Entrepreneurs have launched a campaign urging residents to end Bermuda’s ban on casinos.Spinning Wheel managing director Steve Simons says gaming would be a shot in the arm for the economy and tourism industry, while helping alleviate unemployment problems.His group, Bermuda Hospitality Gaming and Training Center, is to distribute flyers calling for people to vote in favour of gaming when Premier Paula Cox calls a referendum on the matter.“It’s time to have some jobs in Bermuda. I think that gaming would assist in bringing that to Bermuda — help us get out of debt and get people jobs,” Mr Simons told The Royal Gazette.“I’m not a gambler per se myself, but I like to help with the development of Bermuda. We are just trying to inform people as to the benefits of the industry, to themselves and Bermuda.”Casinos would create jobs such as security officers, technicians, hosts, hostesses and croupiers, Mr Simons said.“We’re a small Island and we only need so many jobs. People want to work. We have so many dysfunctional youngsters because there’s no opportunities for them.”In June, MPs passed legislation paving the way for a referendum on gaming to take place, with Premier Paula Cox saying the matter would be put to the public “in due course”.Many residents approve of gambling on moral grounds, but Hamilton bar owners have long claimed casinos could help reverse a continuing decline in trade, by offering potential tourists an alternative reason to come to Bermuda.Tourism Board chairman Maxwell Burgess has said relaxing gambling laws is crucial to the National Tourism Plan’s aim to turn Hamilton into a buzzing night-time centre.Mr Simons said casinos would also ensure visitors get access to less expensive food, entertainment and travel, explaining: “With gaming, pretty much everything is less expensive, because the industry relies on adults that enjoy themselves.”He acknowledged likely opposition from church groups, but said social pitfalls associated with gambling could be countered by legislation from Government. “It’s not the panacea but it would be nice to have that option. The assets override the deficits.”The flyers carry the headings “It’s time to develop jobs in Bermuda”, “Vote yes for gaming in Bermuda”, and the PLP 2011 Throne Speech slogan: “Let’s build one another together”.“Bermuda has been losing its market share to other destinations that offer hospitality amenities that our Island does not offer,” they state.“If we look at what this generation of leisure travellers are looking for in their travel destination, we find that they migrate to resort properties that offer all inclusive full range activities that must include gambling as part of a list of things to do.“With the revenues generated, we the people can establish and maintain programmes and initiatives with associated jobs for Bermudians to address unmet financial, socioeconomic, infrastructure and other needs of our Island nation.“We the people of Bermuda need to make a very important decision and vote yes in order to change the financial landscape in Bermuda for many years to come. We need a business model that will establish revenue and create jobs for our local population.”The Bermuda Hospitality Gaming and Training Center aims to train Bermudians as croupiers and help them find jobs in casinos or cruise liners across the world. Its website advertises courses in games including poker, blackjack and roulette.More information is available by calling 516-2611 or e-mail info@bermudagamingschool.com.Useful website: www.bermudagamingschool.com