Jamahl Simmons backs Wayne Furbert
Former United Bermuda Party MP Jamahl Simmons yesterday backed outspoken Opposition MP Wayne Furbert – but warned him he faces a rough ride from his party.
Mr. Simmons now a Progressive Labour Party member – said that when he spoke out during his UBP days he was 'demonised' and 'cast aside'.
He applauded Mr. Furbert for 'finally seeing the light' by attacking the UBP and threatening to quit, possibly to join the PLP, if dramatic changes do not happen. Acting UBP Leader Cole Simons hit back by attacking Mr. Simmons' credibility and pointing to his mixed political career with the PLP, National Liberal Party and the UBP.
He accused Mr. Simmons of jumping on Mr. Furbert's comments to justify his own failure in the UBP. Mr. Simmons, who is now Executive Aide to Premier Ewart Brown, said in a statement: "What Wayne Furbert is experiencing is part of a continuing pattern with the United Bermuda Party.
"As long as you are attacking the PLP and pursuing their agenda they love you, but the moment you begin to think for yourself or grow a backbone they demonise you and cast you aside.
"Time after time we have witnessed intelligent black men and women becoming disenchanted with the UBP because the people who run that group simply lack the will to do the right thing."
Other leading UBP figures who have departed since January 2007 include Party Chair Gwyneth Rawlins and Party Whip Maxwell Burgess who both complained about the party's hierarchy.
Mr. Simmons continued: "The fact is, the people who control the UBP from their enclaves in Point Shares and Tucker's Town aren't interested in change and they aren't capable of changing because they will never be interested in giving up their power.
"Their strategy is simple and unchanged: attack and attack and attack the PLP in hope that they can turn us against each other. They will use fear, deception and envy as tools to divide and conquer and will say anything and do anything to seize power.
"Look at their campaign against Premier Brown. It's nothing new. They did the exact same thing to Dame Jennifer and Alex Scott.
"They don't care who is leading the PLP — they believe that by cutting off the head the body will die. They will demonise whoever is leading the PLP because they view it as a quick and easy path to power. "I'm glad Wayne is finally seeing the light, but what they are about to put him through I wouldn't wish on anyone.
"I would urge him and any other member of the UBP who feels disenchanted to take a long and serious look at the PLP as a superior alternative."
Mr. Simons replied: "Jamahl Simmons has no credibility.
"He has been a member of the PLP, NLP and UBP and found fault with and left all three parties, so Bermuda ought not to take seriously what he says about any party.
"Indeed, the record shows he also has expressed deeply antagonistic words about the PLP.
"Mr. Simmons is jumping on our former leader's comments to justify his own failure in the UBP, in which he was quick to blame others and failed to stand strong for his beliefs. Mr. Simmons is now on the payroll of Dr. Brown, a man he himself used to deride as unethical.
"Dr. Brown is paying Mr. Simmons to attack the UBP to get public attention off his government's political troubles – specifically for his elitism, the firing of dozens of Bermudians, disrespecting the labour movement and failures in tourism. It is an exercise in diversion.
"With Mr. Simmons, it always depends on what side of the fence he is on, and so we are not surprised he is saying what he says because that's what Dr. Brown is paying him to do.
"On the matter of the United Bermuda Party and its former leader, we consider this to be a private and personal matter.
"We are hopeful that we will be in a position to resolve our differences in the very near future. Until then we do not intend to discuss the situation publicly."